Create Your Treasure

ANyone + Anytime

We are a DIY plant bar!

This means you can come in at anytime and pick a plant + pick a pot and grab a table on the patio, or head up to our pant loft and create your own plant arrangement at your leisure!

Don’t know which plant species to select? Consult with one of our plant coaches to determine which one is right for you!

No reservation is required | Cost: Price of Plants + Pot

For Groups of 6-12

For groups of 6 - 12 people, please visit our table rental page! Table rentals are not required but are highly recommended for high traffic days and weekends! If you do not rent a table, you are risking a high wait time of 30-45 minutes. We suggest making it easy by renting a table so you know you have a guaranteed time slot to enjoy your visit with us!

The Succulent Shop plant wall on first floor of business. Shelves lined with succulents